xrnetserver dll

xrnetserver dll
Category: Libraries and components
System: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 243


The xrnetserver.dll file represents a part of the operating system and is implemented in the format of a dynamic library for Windows OS, which is used by some games. The component provides startup and correct operation of the network server. If the game cannot access this file, a corresponding error is generated. The text usually explicitly states which file cannot be accessed.

Causes of failure

In most cases, the error is encountered by users who decided to install a pirated copy of the game. To bypass the license, such libraries are often modified, to which antiviruses react, since this scheme is often used by viruses in the process of attack. This leads to the library being quarantined. In this case, you can go to the antivirus settings, restore the file and add it to the exceptions to prevent future reactions.


If an error occurs, you can reinstall the problematic game so that the required library can be copied again. You can also manually place the file in the required directory. For a 32-bit system the path looks like C:WindowsSystem32, for a 64-bit system - C:WindowsSysWOW64. Since these are system folders, this operation is possible only with administrator rights. Next, you should definitely pass the stage of registering a new module. To do this, launch the command line and activate the command "regsvr32 xrnetserver.dll" (the standard instruction for registering libraries). After the message about the successful registration of the library, you need to restart the PC and check the game for operability.


  • dynamic library is necessary for correct launching of some games;
  • you can manually copy the file to the required directory, administrator rights are required;
  • in some cases the component may be blocked by antivirus;
  • the file can be downloaded for free.

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