avformat 58 dll

avformat 58 dll
Category: Libraries and components
System: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 369


The file avformat-58.dll is a dynamic library and is part of the popular FFmpeg package. It provides work with audio and video, and can also be used by third-party editors.


If the application cannot access the file for certain reasons, the download is interrupted and a corresponding error is automatically generated. In most cases, the problem file is explicitly mentioned in the text, which makes it easier to solve the problem. The reasons may be different - accidental deletion, virus, hardware failure and others. In rare cases, incorrect operation of the antivirus is possible. If the file is physically missing, it can be restored manually by simply copying it to the correct directory.


After downloading the archive, unzip it and place the library in the necessary folder. For 32-bit systems, the path looks like C:WindowsSystem32, if your PC has a 64-bit system - C:WindowsSysWOW64. It is important to note that these directories are system directories and can be accessed only if you have administrator rights. Next, you need to register the component through the command line (it is part of the system). It should also be run with administrator rights and activate the construct "regsvr32 avformat-58.dll". This is the standard command for manually registering a system library. After displaying the notification about successful DLL registration, the system should be rebooted to ensure that the changes made are taken into account. Next, you should test the problematic application to make sure it works.


  • the library is used by many video editors;
  • if the file is missing, errors may occur when launching some applications;
  • to eliminate the error it is enough to copy the file to the correct directory;
  • actions should be performed with administrator rights;
  • free download.
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